
Your Experience / Fitness


It's time to unfold your yoga mat and discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that have fascinated yoga practitioners around the world for thousands of years. The beauty of yoga is that you don't have to be a yogi or a yogini to enjoy its benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Don't be intimidated by yoga terminology, fancy yoga studios, and complex poses. Yoga is for everyone.

Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on breathing to increase physical and mental well-being. It includes a range of movements, breathing exercises and meditation designed to reduce stress, stay healthy, and increase strength and flexibility. Its purpose is to create awareness and harmony in mind and body. An ancient tradition, the practice of yoga provides many mental and physical benefits. It strengthens the muscles, supports the respiratory system and heart health, helps in the treatment of addiction, reduces stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain, improves sleep disorders and increases the quality of life. Yoga, which is practiced in various ways in many countries, is accepted as a type of complementary and alternative medicine as a holistic approach in the West.

Do not forget to book your place in the yoga sessions offered in the magnificent ambiance of Natura SPA and at the rhythm of nature.